Monterey Bay Optometric Society Newsletter Project Homeless Connect Santa Cruz 2013 A Success
2013 marks our fourth annual involvement in Project Homeless Connect Santa Cruz, which took place on April 9th at the Civic Auditorium in Downtown Santa Cruz. With the participation of more volunteers this year, we were able to run our operation much more efficiently and service many more patients than in previous years. Doctors Dave Turetsky, Cindy Hui, and Ron Black, and Eugene Wake, from Advanced Eye Care, all experienced in mobile optometry, performed eye exams and wrote eyeglass prescriptions for 80 patients. They were truly amazing to watch in action. They came supplied with all necessary equipment; lensometers, auto refractors, eye charts, trial lenses, slit lamps, tonometers, BIOs and fundus lenses. Willa Hisle, Juliette Le and Agnes Kim performed BIO on all 80 patients. Thanks to opticians Jeannette (Plaza Lane Optometry), Susan (Marchon), Bret (North Coast Vision), Veronica (Bay Eye Mecidal), Vida and Maya (Dr. Sakuma), and Becky(Insight Eye Care), who helped 80+ patients select frames and dispensed about 300 sunglasses and OTC readers. In addition we gave out 66 VSP Vision Care Vouchers to those we could not examine. That's a total of over 400 patient encounters.
This was an extremely successful event which we would not have beenable to pull off without our many volunteers and donors. Thanks to Dr. Turetsky and Advanced Eye Care for providing OD staff and equipment.
Thanks to VSP for providing single vision uncut lenses and Vision Care Vouchers.
Thanks to Ocular Labs for supplying finished bifocals. Thanks to Susan Garcia of Marchon for spending her day with us and donating over 200 Marchon frames. Thanks to Ron's Optical for donating OTC readers. Thanks to Dominican Hospital for providing vision screening.
And thanks to the Watsonville Lions club for providing their van which we used for our frame selection clinic and providing volunteers who were immensely helpful with logistics.
Please consider volunteering for next year’s Project Homeless Connect.
Volunteers from Project Homeless Connect
Drs. Juliette Le, Curt Simmons, David Turetsky Ronald Black